Flipkart has begun shaping its plans for bringing Motorola's Moto X to India. After Moto G, they are bringing Motorola's next big smartphone to India. Moto X has 4.7-inch 720p display, 2 GB RAM, dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor which clocked at 1.7 GHz. Flipkart has improved the stock availability this time as compared to the Moto G stock.
They are basically bringing Walnut and Teak variants of Moto X to India on their website. You will be able to order them in couple of days. Since Flipkart is always very nominal with its prices, this time also Motorola Moto X will be available with exclusive offers and best price.
Although price and exact launch date are not yet clear from the company (Flipkart) side, but users might purchase the device starting from 20th March, 2014. In response to users who commented on their Twitter page, they replied that Moto X will not be available with the Moto maker tool but still users can customize the device before it is sent to them. With back covers, Moto X will be available in 5 different colors.
Moto X will come with Android Jelly Bean ver-4.2 but users can upgrade to Android KitKat ver-4.4 as soon as they start the phone. All the specifications are of a mid-level Android smartphone. There is a dual core 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, 2 GB RAM, Adreno 320 graphics chip, 10 MP primary camera and 2 MP front facing camera. Moto X comes in 16/32 GB variants.
Source TOI | Image courtesy by Forum Motorola
They are basically bringing Walnut and Teak variants of Moto X to India on their website. You will be able to order them in couple of days. Since Flipkart is always very nominal with its prices, this time also Motorola Moto X will be available with exclusive offers and best price.
Although price and exact launch date are not yet clear from the company (Flipkart) side, but users might purchase the device starting from 20th March, 2014. In response to users who commented on their Twitter page, they replied that Moto X will not be available with the Moto maker tool but still users can customize the device before it is sent to them. With back covers, Moto X will be available in 5 different colors.
Moto X will come with Android Jelly Bean ver-4.2 but users can upgrade to Android KitKat ver-4.4 as soon as they start the phone. All the specifications are of a mid-level Android smartphone. There is a dual core 1.7 GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, 2 GB RAM, Adreno 320 graphics chip, 10 MP primary camera and 2 MP front facing camera. Moto X comes in 16/32 GB variants.
Source TOI | Image courtesy by Forum Motorola
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