Apple's iPad 4 was a big success last year with its elegant design, strong build quality and ultra sharp retina display. Then came the iPad mini with smaller size but more same degree of elegancy. Now rumors suggest that the next iPad, possibly iPad 5 could have a complete overhaul in terms design and build. It will be more like iPad mini with thinner bezels and same materials as used for the construction if iPad mini.
Some technical specifications of hardware of iPad 5 taken from MacRumors and by MacFixit are below
- The edges of the frame or bezels are thinner, similar to the iPad mini design.
- Instead of one connector, two connectors are provided.
- Display connectors have been changed from FFC (Flat Flexible Cable) in iPad 2/3/4 to FPC (Flexible Printed Circuits) just similar to iPhone 4 and 5.
- The outer coating of the iPad 5 will be of ITO (Indium Tin Oxide), which is used to improve connectivity issues by reducing the crossed signal and interference problems caused due to outer metal body of the iPad. iPad mini used this outer layer coating, and now iPad 5 have possibilities to have this same coating.
- The overall display area is same as the iPad Retina.
This new iPad is expected to be coming this fall with all the new design elements discussed above. Most interesting would be the new iPad coming with thinner bezels just like the iPad mini. So, one can say that Apple is following iPad mini like design in its next iPad, a bigger iPad.
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