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August 23, 2013

Using Facebook Login on your website: Must go through this post

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If you are using Facebook login in your website for visiting users to have personalized experience and better management, these simple tips and tricks from Facebook are gonna help you a lot.  Facebook Login is very simple and offers deeper social integration on web and mobile apps. If proper guidelines are followed, it can boost your Facebook login conversion rate to nearly 80%, as said by Facebook Blog (

Download Logic Remote 1.0.1 for iPad

#Tech Discussion
Now establishing a connection between your iPad and PC with Logic Pro X installed is fairly easy. Download the Logic Remote (version 1.0.1) App from Apple app store and get started. It communicates with the PC having the Logic Pro X.

Search by image is more easier on Chrome

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If you search more by images than written queries, then this next update of chrome beta is definitely made for you. If you want to know about an image on internet, just right click on it or hold it for some time on chrome app to select more about the image from the options. This feature is a great addition for those who likes to search content by images. In earlier version, we have to download the image and then search about it by uploading it to defalut search engine, for example image search in Google images.

August 22, 2013

Download new Beta Facebook for your Windows Phone

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This is the time when Windows Phones are increasing their grip in the market. More number of apps are coming, updating every other day to provide all latest features that Android and iOS users are enjoying. In the story, Facebook Beta for Windows Phone 8 got an update with 3 new features. See them further in the post.

Facebook embedded posts are out for everyone

#Tech Discussion
You have now another reason for loving and liking Facebook, the best social network. Facebook has now introduced embedded posts to everyone. Have you tried it? This new feature allows you to embed a publically shared posts into your website or blog. Just like the post shown below.

Few days back, Facebook brought this feature to handful of publishers. At that time they told that soon this will be rolled out to all Facebook users and today they have done it. Read more about Embedded Posts in this post How to Embed a post from Facebook

August 21, 2013

Update for windows phone 8 : See what's new in that

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Microsoft has started rolling updates for Windows Phone 8. There are many small yet important upgrades in this new version of the Windows Operating System for Windows Phone 8. Below are the new features you are gonna see in this new updated version. A brief introductions includes updates like Data Sense feature, FM radio support for more Windows Phones , major camera app upgrade in mostly all phones receiving upgrades and also other important upgrades in the hardware and software sections. Read further to know in detail.

YouTube update for iPhone, iPod brings search while watch feature

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It happens many times that when we're watching a video on YouTube and suddenly wants to search another related video, we have to close the current video in order to search the new video. But from now you can search for another video and simultaneously watch current video on YouTube app on iOS (for iPhones and iPods). YouTube just rolled out the new update, and we are sharing some of its very fresh pictures from the updated app.

Playstation 4 to be released on November 15

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Sony PlayStation 4
If you are a playstation fan then mark your calendar for Playstation 4 release by Sony on 15th of November in US and 29th November in Europe.   Along with these two countries, Playstation 4 will be launching in 32 more countries this holiday season.

Apple allows 200 beta/test devices per user account.

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It is really a good news for iOS developers, where they can now have almost double devices registered under one account. Now a developer can have 200 test/beta devices with just single account, providing them with more opportunities to test and debug the code on different device. Earlier 100 devices were allowed per account per year which is now upgraded to 200 devices per account per year.

This update is not rolled out to everyone's account, but only few of the developers are enjoying this facility. Till now Apple has no plans for rolling out this expansion policy to everybody's account. Individual developers can go to online Development Center to check their status about the update. Source Website

Sum up of Facebook updates came recently

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Facebook being the biggest social networking website has many responsibilities towards its users. Managing millions of users at a time and still giving them the best of the experience is not easy. That is why we we get regular updates whether on the mobile or the web app.  Security features and policies are changed on frequent basis. In recent days, Facebook has updated some of its features, introduced few new features to its web and mobile app. Below are all the major things that we noticed in recent days.

August 20, 2013

Tips to improve sound quality in skype

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Skype is a software used for performing audio calls and video calls and it is also a popular tool for video and audio chats and skype developers are try to fix the bugs in every update and take the feedback from users to get to know about their experience.Sometimes network congestion and slow network cause skype not to work good , it is really frustrating during the chats.