There is another big news coming from Nokia. Lumia 1520 was spotted in some leaked images coming from @EVLeaks on Twitter. Design of the phone is not much different from Nokia's previous models. This time screen seems to be little larger, with more number of tiles in the same horizontal space on the screen. Its unibody polycarbonate design gives it a decent look despite of its heavy and bigger design.
Talking more on specs, if they are true then you can have a 6-inches 1080p display and a 20MP camera at the back for taking photographs. Camera has little hump at the backside with dual LED flash, similar to what we got in Lumia 925. You can call this device a phablet rather than a smartphone because of its big design. It would be interesting to see a phablet running on Windows Phone GDR3 as this might bring something fresh for us, that we have never seen before.
Another wave of rumors suggests that we can see this device in market after November, 2013. Now if you are aware about the fact "Microsoft acquired Nokia a Finland based technology company" then you can just guess about the actual name of the device Microsoft is going to give it. Will it be Nokia Lumia 1520 or something else? What is your choice?
Talking more on specs, if they are true then you can have a 6-inches 1080p display and a 20MP camera at the back for taking photographs. Camera has little hump at the backside with dual LED flash, similar to what we got in Lumia 925. You can call this device a phablet rather than a smartphone because of its big design. It would be interesting to see a phablet running on Windows Phone GDR3 as this might bring something fresh for us, that we have never seen before.
Another wave of rumors suggests that we can see this device in market after November, 2013. Now if you are aware about the fact "Microsoft acquired Nokia a Finland based technology company" then you can just guess about the actual name of the device Microsoft is going to give it. Will it be Nokia Lumia 1520 or something else? What is your choice?
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