Another leak from the world of internet showed pictures of Android powered Huawei G750 with MediaTek's latest MT6592 Octa-Core chip. MediaTek launched its latest version of Octa-core chip few days back and already there are devices that are in list to run on it. Huawei's G750 is going to be one of them and will be available by the end of Q1 of next year.
Huawei G750 will come out of the box with Android Jelly Bean 4.2 operating system, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM with an option to expand it through an external SD Card up to 64 GB. Although screen resolution is mediocre, which is 720-by-1280 pixels on a 5.5-inch display.
It is said to have a 13 megapixel primary camera and a 5 megapixel front facing camera for capturing stills and recording videos.
Now here is a thing to ponder upon. MediaTek's MT6592 Octa-core chipset is supposed to consume lesserExynos 6 chipset which is also designed to consume lesser power by generating lesser amount of heat while processing data.
power than its previous quad-core version. Now this is very similar to Samsung's own
If MediaTek successfully done what they are speaking then there will be lots of opportunities for hem in the market as most of the low cost Android smartphones are turning their way to MediaTek's low cost capable processors.
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Hottest Leakage: Huawei G750 to be Launched soon having the MediaTek MT6592 Octa-Core Chipset via @ThinkDevGrow
— Techo3 (@TechoThree) December 2, 2013
Huawei G750 will come out of the box with Android Jelly Bean 4.2 operating system, 2 GB RAM, 32 GB ROM with an option to expand it through an external SD Card up to 64 GB. Although screen resolution is mediocre, which is 720-by-1280 pixels on a 5.5-inch display.
It is said to have a 13 megapixel primary camera and a 5 megapixel front facing camera for capturing stills and recording videos.
Now here is a thing to ponder upon. MediaTek's MT6592 Octa-core chipset is supposed to consume lesserExynos 6 chipset which is also designed to consume lesser power by generating lesser amount of heat while processing data.
power than its previous quad-core version. Now this is very similar to Samsung's own
If MediaTek successfully done what they are speaking then there will be lots of opportunities for hem in the market as most of the low cost Android smartphones are turning their way to MediaTek's low cost capable processors.
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