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November 12, 2013

Let us understand what is LiFi - Light Fidelity

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Simply imagine the scenario where all artificial light sources around you are converted into WiFi hotspots. Your bedroom's bulb, study table's lamp and traffic lights on the streets all emitting light signals and those being used as a medium to access internet on your devices. Well this is all that explains LiFi in simple words. It was the idea of Harald Haas from university of Edinburgh, UK which we are discussing now. His concept is simple telling that if LED is 'ON' then digital '1' can be transmitted and digital '0' if LED is 'OFF'. Thing are not so simple in reality and need a lots of research to implement this technology.

This figure on top describes the major functionality of LiFi where all light sources will have small LED lamps with lamp driver circuitry fitted inside the arrangement to make the LEDs turn ON and OFF according to the digital data being transmitted. On the receiver side a photo-detector will decode the received light signals and send them to the device you are using. You would be amazed to know that LiFi can give you speed up to 1 Gbps in your home network. Also this speed is variable and can be adjusted by varying the properties of light source.

One of the major advantage associated with this technology is that there will be no more use of Radio waves (As in case of WiFi), but instead of that "Light waves" are used which cause lesser or no interference to other communication channels near to it. In such case LiFi can be used during the flight, inside hospitals and every where else where we are bound not to use WiFi. Also imagine street lights, lights of your cars, and almost every vehicle can emit internet for you, so that you are always connected to your loved ones. But this is the very extreme case and should not be imagined right now as the technology itself is very new. Researchers are continuously working on it to make it more durable, less expensive and compatible with current light sources.

Another problem of the shortage of the available Communication Spectrum can also be solved by this so called new internet source - LiFi. There is plenty of visible spectrum with us to use in the range of 780 nm to 375 nm (wavelength, where 'nm' stands for nano meter). Radio spectrum is very limited and has many problems related to interference and radiation, which can be easily sorted out using Light signals, which are the medium of communication in systems connected through LiFi.

Possibilities are endless and expecting so much from a newly invented technology is not fair. Everything takes time to grow and establish so as LiFi has to pass through all stages of tests and protocols before coming out and enlighten us with its super fast internet. What do you think? Do you see LiFi as an effective internet source and a better replacement for WiFi?

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