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August 31, 2013

Information Security

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Information Security is the defending your information from unauthorize access or measures taken to protect data from going into wrong hands. In today's computerised world we are mostly used to with information through PC's ,laptops and many other mobile devices and to our comfort we usually store our info (including credentials) in our personal devices.This cause an ease to access our info anywhere but in parallel there are also some security threats to our personal data, there is a substantial need to secure our data from theft or unauthorize access.

When we are talking about security ,there are two terms that you need to know before knowing more about information security.

The terms are Attack and Threats ,these are very much related to each other but there is difference between these two.
Threat: It is a kind of violation of security or any circumstances or action that can cause harm and exploit the vulnerability.
Attack: It is an action or deliberate attempt or as a result of intelligent threat taken to evade or break the security policy of a system.we will talk more about attacks in coming posts.

What information security comprises of?
Information security provide the following services to your system.

  • Authentication: Authentication service provide the assurance that your communication is authentic.It provide a confidence that any attempt of masquerading is not happening.
  • Access Control: It provide the protection of unauthorize use of data or resource and control who can have access to the resource.
  • Data Confidentiality: It provide a protection to the transmitted data from passive attacks as it provide protection to the traffic flow and prevent attacker to view the source and destination of data flow.It also provide protection to user data on a single connection.
  • Data Integrity: It assures the receiver that the data received is same as send by sender and doesn't contain any modification,changes or updation.
  • Nonrepudiation: It provide the security that data has been seen on other side and stop any kind of denial that information or message not seen by anyone involved in communication.It provide a proof that data was sent by sender and received by receiver.
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